Siyazisiza works with smallholder farmers, through their agri-forums, in rural areas in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga provinces. Our vision is to develop smallholder farms to viable enterprises that are self-sustaining and contribute to the local economy. We develop agricultural enterprises by providing them the following extension services:
Through project mentoring, Siyazisiza identified a host of challenges facing micro-farmers and in this, realised a need for a more diversified approach to enable the building of increased resilience into small-scale agricultural enterprises in KwaZulu-Natal.
A core component of the organisation’s work in building increased resilience to climate change has been the testing and introduction (or reintroduction) of more drought tolerant crops, crop diversification and mixed cropping. The focus on drought resistant crops has included sorghum, millet, leaf and grain amaranth, cowpea, jugo beans and sweet potato, amongst others.
The Trust, in working across the value-chain, is also involved in exploring and developing local agro-processing opportunities and markets, particularly insofar as indigenous and traditional food and medicinal plants are concerned. Apart from opening up new revenue streams and enterprise opportunities for community farmers and the youth, it is hoped that ‘re-packaging’ these plants, along with market development and demand, will have the effect of acknowledging their value and historical use amongst rural communities, and ultimately influence farmers to restore them in their gardens.
Championing a holistic approach that improves livelihoods, increases productivity, builds climate resilience and creates more organised and mobilised smallholder farmers. Our development model comprises four primary pathways:
Open up access to markets
and ensure that our farmers
and agri-enterprises have
the pre-requisite capacity
and resources to profitably
supply their buyers.
Train and mentor farmers in business planning & management; Identify and develop market linkages;
Train & mentor farmers in
governance and legal compliance; Develop value chains; Establish Agri-Business Incubator Centres.
Fair & Equitable Access to
Markets; Self-sufficient & independent farmers; Agri-Enterprise Centres; Access to reliable and cost effective logistics; Efficient & accessible value chains.
Improved Livelihoods
Enable farmers to make the
most of their land and to
push up the quantity and
quality of their crops.
Train and mentor farmers in best farming practices; Design and install appropriate agricultural infrastructure & technologies Establish regional Farmer Support Centres; Increase farmer access to inputs and information.
Farmers have pre-requisite
skills; Access to Inputs, Mechanisation & Implements; Farmer Support Centres; Increased quantity, quality and diversity of crops.
Increased Productivity
Strengthen social networks
and trust, as well as promote
increased collaboration to
enable smallholder farmers
to perform collectively and
effectively to realise mutual
Support & facilitate horizontal exchanges and learning; Establish farmer representative forums; Train and mentor farmers in cooperative start-up and management; Promote youth representation and participation; Promote and support the establishment of savings groups.
Accountable, relevant &
transparent institutional
structures; Increased levels of youth & women engagement &
participation; Increased openness of dialogue between stakeholders.
More Organised & Mobilised Smallholder Farmers
Promote & enable the continued existence of well-functioning ecosystems, whose services continue to support the productivity of both present and future smallholder farmers.
Train and mentor farmers in agro-ecological practices; Introduce indigenous and drought tolerant crops species; Promote and train farmers in better land management practices; Design and install water-wise irrigation systems.
Climate resilient gardens; Increased household food security; Reduced soil erosion & deforestation.
Climate Resilience
Resilient, healthy and self-sustaining rural farmer communities and agri-enterprises within vibrant
and localised economies, in stewardship with the environment for the benefit of future generations.
© 2025 Siyazisiza Trust | Website by Brand Candy