Our Vision

Our vision is of a robust nation of resilient smallholder farmer communities collaborating in vibrant and localized economies in stewardship with their environment for the benefit of future generations. 

Small-holder Farmer Development Programmes:

1. Fresh Produce Supply into formal markets

1. Establishing Regional Agri-Forums

Siyazisiza has been working on the establishment of farmer-to-farmer networks and agri-forums with the intention of promoting, and recognising the importance of social capital, knowledge-sharing and application. The establishment of agri-forums has also enhanced commercial opportunity and trade by providing an avenue for the coordination and aggregation of produce into market chains, and it facilitates ease-of-access to smallholder farmers to buyers. These forums are increasingly providing coordination and oversight is areas such as logistics management and quality control and as accessible entry points to small-holder farmers.

2. Ensuring market quality and quantity standards are met

Siyazisiza guides the production process to meet an agreed upon, market standard. Agri-enterprises also require the space and facilities for a more hygienic and effective treatment of harvests in preparation for market. In this regard, Siyazisiza advocates its donors and partners for the requisite resources to develop or procure the necessary infrastructure.

3. Extending produce shelf life

Securing cold chain links in the form of refrigerated vehicles or establishing regional collection centres to allow small-holder agri enterprises (through their regional forums) access to local refrigerated centres that are convenient for both the farmer and market.

4. Access to infrastructure support

An important aspect of establishing and building the capacity of area-based agri-forums is to provide them with the requisite infrastructure to support their functioning. In this regard, the Trust has initiated a process of establishing a network of localised agri-centres in each of its areas of operation. Thus far, this has involved the development of the ZM Agri-Centre in Ulundi and the Thelumoya Phansi Agri-Centre in Nkandla. Each of these is being developed to include a seedling nursery, demonstration and trial gardens, workspaces for cleaning and packaging of produce and cold storage facilities. Establishing Agro-processing Centres encourages a diverse income stream through agro-processing activities (such as popped grains, powdered vegetables, nurseries, etc.) and especially include youth who may be reluctant to get involved in agriculture or who may want more innovative and relevant involvement in agriculture.

5. Access to Markets

Linking small-holder agri-enterprises (through their regional forums) to formal markets, such as retailers (e.g. Boxer Superstores, Spar, etc.) for the sustainability of the local economies and direct benefit of the local small-holder agri enterprises who are Siyazisiza’s beneficiaries.
supply chain model
supply chain model

2. Value Chain Development of Drought-tolerant & Indigenous Crops

Central to the work Siyazisiza does is the establishment of localized Agri-Enterprise Centre or Farmer Support Centres. These are multi-purpose centers that function in a coordinated manner to provide a range of sustainable services to small-holder farmers.

Functions provided by the Agri-Hubs include:

Siyazisiza’s flagship Agri-Enterprise Centre and primary hub is the Zululand Agri Enterprise Centre, is located in Obanjeni, in Umlalazi local municipality, and provides a range of facilities to serve our small-holder farmers and to support the emergence of opportunities within the broader value chain.

These facilities include: