The Siyazisiza Trust is a Level 1 QSE B-BBEE Contributor, and a Public Benefit Organisation in terms of Section 30 of the Income Tax Act. All receipts and accruals are exempt from income tax in terms of Section 10 (cN).
All of Siyazisiza’s beneficiaries are Black South Africans, with 83% being women and 15% youth. We constantly seek to forge partnerships, collaborations and funding opportunities to realize our vision of supporting the emergence of local economies, particularly where previously disadvantaged, marginalized and vulnerable groups are empowered.
Under South Africa’s B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice, companies are encouraged to help previously disadvantaged South African citizens gain sustainable access into the economy, and contribute towards the development of black-owned small businesses and their access to the market. Partnering with the Siyazisiza Trust offers organisations an opportunity to contribute to the development and absorption of small-holder farmers into the economy, while raising their B-BBEE profile
By donating towards the Trust’s agriculture initiatives, companies have an opportunity to earn the full allocation of Enterprise and Supplier Development (40 points); which is considered one of the compulsory elements in B-BBEE scoring.
Enterprise & Supplier Development consists of three sub-elements:
(1) Enterprise Development, (2) Preferential Procurement, and (3) Supplier Development.
Siyazisiza’s Head of Supply Chain & Crop Production, Brendon Nithianandham, delivers fresh spinach grown by small-holder farmers to Boxer stores.
Siyazisiza’s Crop Facilitator, Nomcebo Zaca, negotiates with a Boxer Stores employee.
In May 2019, after a period of extensive negotiation, Siyazisiza entered into an agreement with Boxer Superstores for the supply of fresh produce to 12 of its stores in north-eastern KZN and to its Fresh Produce Distribution Centre in Cato Ridge (KZN).
This agreement presents an exciting opportunity for previously excluded smallholder farmers in north-eastern KZN to grow and supply produce into a guaranteed market.
The agreement is premised upon preferential procurement in an effort by the Boxer Superstores to improve their B-BBEE status by enabling increased access to smallholder farmers to their supply chain.
© 2025 Siyazisiza Trust | Website by Brand Candy